Service Description
Classic Bikini Wax (Female) The Do’s & Don’ts of Bikini Waxing Do’s Grow your hair out for at least 3 weeks. It should be 1/4 inch long, about the size of a grain of rice. Exfoliate regularly to prevent ingrown hairs. Tell your wax specialist if you are allergic to anything. Do wax every 4 to 5 weeks for best results. Do wear cotton underwear the day of your wax. This allows your skin to breath. Dont’s Do not Drink caffeine or alcohol before your appointment. Do anything with excessive heat after your wax for 24 hours. No steam. No sauna. No physical activity. No sun. No tanning beds. No hot yoga. If possible do not come right after your period (you are more sensitive). Do not pick at ingrown hairs. Instead exfoliate regularly and treat topically. Do not wax if you are on prescription medications or OTC that can thin the skin. Medications such as Accutane, isotretinoin or Tretinoin. (Retinoids acid can thin your skin causing it to tear). Do not exfoliate for 24 to 48 hours after wax
Contact Details
2041 Northeast Williamson Court, Bend, OR, USA